
Hungry Dog Leans His Head On A Chair In A Diner And Waits In Tears For Food

Dogs are the most in-demand pets worldwide because of their friendly and approachable behavior. These pets are also considered as man’s best friends because of their closeness to humans. Like humans, animals also need love, care, understanding, and concern from their masters. Unfortunately, every day the streets of our cities are crowded with more and more ᴅᴇsᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ … Read more

Rescue Dog Is So Happy To Have A Forever Home That He Can’t Let Go Of His New Dad

Sam Clarence was working as a volunteer dog walker for the Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue in Christchurch, New Zealand. This is when he first saw Stanley, a bully breed. Immediately, Clarence knew that Stanley could be his best friend. Also, he knew that he wanted to give him a forever home, and didn’t hesitate to adopt Stanley. … Read more

This homeless man sleeps with his dog in his arms, a four-legged angel who never lets him down

The Internet may be a huge container with strange and funny photos, but also with other less pleasant and fewer edifying contents. The sweetness and ugliness of such an outsized tool, often without filters, consists in capturing the truth of things, both in their rawness and in their beauty. So, it happens that each now … Read more

Split-Colored Cat Fathers Kittens In His Own Colors

Aren’t split-colored kittens simply gorgeous? It’s like nature had fun with their coats, sometimes splitting their colors smack down the middle of their face and bodies. In 2018, the Internet first met Narnia, a beautiful cat with a gray-black face. Stephanie Jiminez, Narnia’s owner, says that the tiny kitten grew into quite the heartthrob. And, while … Read more

Abandoned and starved: Poor old dog helpless left in the corner no one cares.ThuHa

The COVID-19 pɑпdemic hɑs cɑᴜsed ᴜпprecedeпted disrᴜptioп to hᴜmɑп lives ɑroᴜпd the world. Ьᴜt ɑs it tᴜrпs oᴜt, hᴜmɑпs were пot the oпly oпes who sᴜffered dᴜriпg this crisis. ɑпimɑls were ɑlso severely impɑcted, ɑпd their plight ofteп goes ᴜппoticed. This is the story of oпe sᴜch ɑпimɑl – Roger, ɑ 16-yeɑr-old dog who hɑd … Read more