After enduring the devastating loss of his wife, John Schneider has found love again. The beloved actor and singer has tied the knot with Dee Dee Sorvino marking a season of happiness and joy.
“The Dukes of Hazzard” star, John Schneider, has recently embarked on a new chapter in his life. He and Dee Dee Sorvino, the widow of the late actor Paul Sorvino, exchanged vows in a surprise ceremony in Las Vegas.
The setting for their intimate nuptials was nothing short of spectacular—a white convertible, once owned by the singer Usher, provided the backdrop for their vows.
The couple couldn’t contain their joy and shared their excitement with the media through their representative, declaring, “Just when we thought our happiest days were forever behind us … WE HAPPENED.”
As if the surprise wedding wasn’t enough, they’re also planning a grand celebration in a week’s time to commemorate the anniversary of their first meeting. John didn’t keep the news to himself for long. He took to his Facebook page to excitedly announce, “Big news, big news, everybody! DeeDee and I got hitched last night in Vegas.”
The actor, who lost his third wife Alicia Allain in 2023, reflected on his journey with his followers, sharing that he had never imagined happiness could be within reach again.
“My beautiful Smile is pain-free, living in her new body alongside Jesus. Please respect our privacy during this time of grief. […] Hug those you love tight and let them know how you feel. We always did,” he wrote.
Part of his healing involved creating a new album, “We Are Still Us,” to honor Alicia. “It hurt so bad to write. It hurt so bad to sing. But the final product is going to be healing for those who are going through this,” he said.
After almost giving up, John met Dee Dee a year later, describing it as “a miracle.” “God sent a widower to a widow and a widow to a widower who [gets] it, who understands,” he noted, gesturing to his new partner off-camera.
“Just when I thought the very notion of dating or holding another hand was repulsive, I met this one, that crazy Dame over there,” the public figure added.